Cimber Bombardier CRJ-200 FSX

Cimber Bombardier CRJ-200 for the AIM Bombardier CRJ-200 base model.

These are FSX textures only. The AIM Bombardier CRJ-200 base model is required.
It can be found at Search for

Please note that EC-JOD is replaced with EC-JEN

Cyprus Airways Airbus A320-200 FS9

Cyprus Airways Airbus A320-200 FS9 for the FAIB A320-200 IAE FS9 base model.

These are FS9 textures only. The FAIB A320-200 FS9 base model is required.
It can be found at

Thanks to Philippe Tabatchnik for sending his old DJC paint Photoshop-file for this airline. It was a huge help when making the repaint!

Cyprus Airways Airbus A320-200 FSX

Cyprus Airways Airbus A320-200 FSX for the FAIB A320-200 IAE FSX base model.

These are FSX textures only. The FAIB A320-200 FSX base model is required.
It can be found at

Thanks to Philippe Tabatchnik for sending his old DJC paint Photoshop-file for this airline. It was a huge help when making the repaint!

Martinaire Beech 1900C FS9

Martinaire Beech 1900C for the AI Beech 1900C model by Henry Tomkiewicz.

The HTAI Beech 1900C base model is required. It can be found at Search for

Thanks to Steve Lewis for allowing me to alter his repaint into this release!

Martinaire Beech 1900C FSX

Martinaire Beech 1900C for the AI Beech 1900C model by Henry Tomkiewicz.

The HTAI Beech 1900C base model is required. It can be found at Search for

Thanks to Steve Lewis for allowing me to alter his repaint into this release!