Everts Air Cargo MD-82SF Flightplans Summer 2014

Everts Air Cargo MD-82SF Flightplans Winter 2013-2014 by Steve Lewis.

Repaints needed for this plan can be found on this site.

You can use ttools, AIFP or any other flightplan compiler that reads the 3 txt-files, to install these plans. But remember to change the aircraft speed to 200 if you are not using AIFP.

More flightplans will be released soon!

GE Propulsion Testbed Boeing 747-400

GE Propulsion Testbed Boeing 747-400 for the AIA Boeing 747-400D base model.

These are textures only. The AIA Boeing 747-400D base model is required.
It can be found at www.avsim.com. Search for ai74dupg.zip.

Please note that you have to use the 747-400D model. This is because GE have removed the winglets from the plane. The plane was build with winglets, but now it’s flying around without winglets. But since this has not been made as an AI model, you have to use the closest, the 747-400D model.

Meregrass Saab 2000

Meregrass SAAB 2000 for the TFS Saab 2000 base model.

These are textures only. The TFS Saab 2000 base model is required.
It can be found at avsim.com. Search for tfss20.zip.


CAL Cargo Air Lines Flightplans Summer 2014

CAL Cargo Air Lines Flightplans Summer 2014 by Johan Clausen.

Repaint needed for this plan can be found on flightsim.com. Read the included repaints.txt to get the right file.

You can use ttools, AIFP or any other flightplan compiler that reads the 3 txt-files, to install these plans. But remember to change the aircraft speed to 200 if you are not using AIFP.

More flightplans will be released soon!

Alaska Central Express Flightplans Winter 2013-2014

Alaska Central Express Flightplans Winter 2013-2014 by Steve Lewis.

Repaints needed for this plan can be found on this site.

You can use ttools, AIFP or any other flightplan compiler that reads the 3 txt-files, to install these plans. But remember to change the aircraft speed to 200 if you are not using AIFP.

More flightplans will be released soon!