R1 Airlines Fleet

R1 Airlines fleet repaints for the TFS Dash 8-300 and the AIM CRJ-200.

These are textures only. The TFS Dash 8-300 and the AIM CRJ-200 base models are required.
It can be found at www.avsim.com. Search for tfsdh3.zip and aim_crj200_basemodel.zip.

[wpdm_package id=’1995′]

USA Jet DC 9-30 New Color

USA Jet DC 9-30 New Color for the AIG DC 9-30 base model.

These are textures only. The AIG DC 9-30 base model is required.
It can be found at http://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=17564.0.

[wpdm_package id=’1990′]

White Airways Airbus A320-200 FSX

White Airways Airbus A320-200 FSX for the FAIB A320-200 CFM FSX base model.

These are FSX textures only. The FAIB A320-200 CFM FSX base model are required.
It can be found at http://fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/.

Updated 03. November 2017 with Vitoria Guimães FC logo and Conquistadores sticker on fuselage

[wpdm_package id=’1939′]

White Airways Airbus A320-200 FS9

White Airways Airbus A320-200 FS9 for the FAIB A320-200 CFM FS9 base model.

These are FS9 textures only. The FAIB A320-200 CFM FS9 base model are required.
It can be found at http://fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/.

Updated 03. November 2017 with Vitoria Guimães FC logo and Conquistadores sticker on fuselage

[wpdm_package id=’1935′]