Wizz Air Airbus A320-200SL IAE “Budapest Candidate city Olympic Games 2024” FSX for the FAIB A320-200 IAE_S FSX base models.
Wizz Air Airbus A320-200SL IAE “Budapest Candidate city Olympic Games 2024” FSX / P3D & MSFS
Wizz Air Airbus A320-200SL IAE “Budapest Candidate city Olympic Games 2024” FSX for the FAIB A320-200 IAE_S FSX base models.
Wizz Air Airbus A320-200SL IAE “Budapest Candidate city Olympic Games 2024” FSX / P3D & MSFS
ULS Airlines Cargo FSX for the TFS A310-200/300 base model.
These are FS9 textures only. The TFS A310-200/300 base model is required.
It can be found at www.avsim.com. Search for tfs310.zip.
[wpdm_package id=’4248′]
ULS Airlines Cargo FSX for the TFS A310-200/300 base model.
These are FSX textures only. The TFS A310-200/300 base model is required.
It can be found at www.avsim.com. Search for tfs310.zip.
[wpdm_package id=’4253′]
ASL Airlines Belgium Boeing 757-200F FSX for the AIG Boeing 757-200 RR & PW base models.
These are FSX textures only. The AIG Boeing 757-200 RR & PW base models is required.
It can be found at http://www.alpha-india.net/aigfiles/files/Models/.
ASL Airlines Belgium Boeing 737-400SF Logolight for the FAIB Boeing 737-400 Logolight FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-400SF Logolights FSX base model is required.
It can be found at www.fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
These are FSX dds textures only. The HTAI Learjet 35 model is required. It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads/models/ai_gates_learjet_35.zip Includes revised textures for N237CK (not shown in picture)
These are FS9 textures only. The HTAI Learjet 35 model is required. It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads/models/ai_gates_learjet_35.zip Contains both DXT and 32 bit textures.
Includes revised textures for N237CK (not shown in picture)
These are FSX dds textures only. The Klaus Brosemann Beech Baron 58 model is required. It can be found at Flightsim.com (http://flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=96048)
These are FS9 textures only. The Klaus Brosemann Beech Baron 58 model is required. It can be found at Flightsim.com (http://flightsim.com/kdl.php?fid=96048) This package contains both DXT and 32 bit textures.
These are FSX dds9 textures only. The Ultimate GA Challenger 600 and 6013A model is required. It can be found at Avsim (ultimate_challenger_fs9.zip)