These are FS9 textures only. The HTAI Cessna 208B (freeware) model is required. It can be found at This package contains both DXT and 32 bit textures.
These are FS9 textures only. The HTAI Cessna 208B (freeware) model is required. It can be found at This package contains both DXT and 32 bit textures.
These are FS9 textures only. The HTAI Cessna 208B (freeware) model is required. It can be found at This package contains both DXT and 32 bit textures.
Includes all 27 air frames.
These are FSX dds textures only. The JBSimulations Learjet 60 model is required. It can be found at (
These are FS9 textures only. The JBSimulations Learjet 60 model is required. It can be found at (
Transaviabaltika Jetstream 32 for the PAI Jetstream 32 base model.
These are textures only. The PAI JS31 base model is required.
[wpdm_package id=’4412′]
Tyrol Air Ambulance Dornier 328-100 repaint for the JBAI Dornier 328-100 v2 model.
These are only textures. The JBAI Dornier 328-100 v2 model is required.
It can be found at, search for
[wpdm_package id=’4405′]
Malawian Airlines Boeing 737-700 Winglets FSX for the FAIB Boeing 737-700 FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-700 FSX base model is required.
It can be found at
[wpdm_package id=’4370′]
Air Chathams Saab 340 for the TFS Saab 340 base model.
These are textures only. The TFS Saab 340 base model is required.
It can be found at Search for
Danish Air Transport McDonnell Douglas MD-83 for the AIA McDonnell Douglas MD-80 base model.
These are FSX textures only. The AIA McDonnell Douglas MD-80 base model is required.
It can be found at Search for
[wpdm_package id=’4352′]