Divi Divi Air Dash 6 Fleet

Divi Divi Air paint for the HTAI Dash 6 base model.

These are textures only. The HTAI Dash 6 base model is required.
It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads, ai_de_havilland_dhc6.zip for FSX and at Alpha-india.net/Forums, HTAI fixed gear models steering FSX.zip for FSX and HTAI fixed gear models steering P3Dv4.zip for P3Dv4

note: Files have been updated with Version 3

Divi Divi Air Dash 6 Fleet FS9

Divi Divi Air Dash 6 Fleet FSX

Jota Aviation BAe 146/RJ Fleet

Jota Aviation BAe 146/RJ Fleet for the FMAI British Aerospace 146-200/300 base models.

These are textures only for FS9 and P3D v4. The FMAI British Aerospace 146-200/300 base models are required.
The FMAI BAe 146-200 can be found at flightsim.com. Search for ai_b462.zip.
The FMAI BAe 146-300 can be found at flightsim.com. Search for ai_b463.zip.
P3Dv4 compatible models are contained in the Autralian AI package at https://orbxdirect.com/freeware

CityJet RJ85 OC

CityJet Avro RJ85 EI-RJD for the FMAI British Aerospace 146-200 base model.

These are textures only for FS9 and P3D v4. The FMAI British Aerospace 146-200 base model is required.
The FMAI BAe 146-200 can be found at flightsim.com. Search for ai_b462.zip.
P3Dv4 compatible models are contained in the Autralian AI package at https://orbxdirect.com/freeware

Air Namibia Airbus A330-200 FSpainter

Air Namibia Airbus A330-200 FSX for the FSPainter A330-200 RR base model.

These are FSX textures only. The FSPainter A330-200 RR base model is required.
It can be bought at http://secure.simmarket.com/fspxai-airbus-a330-200200f_300-fsxp3d-ai-traffic.phtml

Special thanks to Juergen Baumbusch

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PIA Pakistan International Airlines Boeing 777-300ER

PIA Pakistan International Airlines Boeing 777-300ER FSX for the FSPainter Boeing 777-300ER base model.

These are FSX textures only. The FSPainter Boeing 777-300ER base model is required.
It can be bought at http://secure.simmarket.com/fspxai-boeing-777-fsxp3d-ai-traffic.phtml

Special thanks to Philippe Tabatchnik

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