TAR Aerolíneas Embraer ERJ-145 FSX/P3D

TAR Aerolíneas Embraer ERJ-145 FSX/P3D for the AI Malcontent Embraer ERJ-145 base model.

These are FSX/P3D textures only. The AI Malcontent Embraer ERJ-145 base model is required. It can be found at avsim. Search for aim_erj145.zip. To use the model in P3Dv4 you will need to convert it with ModelConverterX following the tutorials given at the Alpha India Group Forums

Alaska Seaplanes Piper PA-31-350 for FSX

These are FSX textures (32 bit dds, mipped). TheTodd Bolgrin PA31-350 Chieftain model is required. It can be found at Avsim. Search for ai_pa31_chieftain_v3_tbfsx.zip
Note that this model is for FSX only. No FS9 paint is supplied.

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Alaska Seaplanes Piper PA-32R for FS9

These are FS9 textures (32 bit, Mipped). The HTAI DWAI PA-32 model is required. It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads/dwai/fs_projects/index.html

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