iHeartMedia Cessna 750 X’s

iHeartMedia Cessna 750 X’s for the TBAI FSX model.

These are textures only.

The TBAI Cessna 750 X FSX model is required.
It can be found at AVSIM: ai_citationx_fsx_tb.zip
Updated model, also on AVSIM: ai_citationx_n48hf_tb.zip
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.weebly.com/corporateimw.html

Silver Air Gulfstream G-V’s

Silver Air Gulfstream G-V’s for the converted P3Dv4 HTAI Gulfstream G-V model.

These are textures only.

The HTAI Gulfstream G-V model is required.
It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads.html
The converted P3Dv4 model can be found here: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=26276.0
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.wordpress.com/tag/silver-air/

EDIT 05 MAY 2020: paints updated based on latest paintkit

Silver Air Gulfstream G-IVSP

Silver Air Gulfstream G-IVSP for the converted P3Dv4 HTAI Gulfstream G-IV model.

These are textures only.

The HTAI Gulfstream G-IV model is required.
It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads.html
The converted P3Dv4 model can be found here: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=26276.0
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.wordpress.com/tag/silver-air/

EDIT 05 MAY 2020: paint updated based on latest paintkit

Silver Air Gulfstream G-IV’s

Silver Air Gulfstream G-IV’s for the converted P3Dv4 HTAI Gulfstream G-IV model.

These are textures only.

The HTAI Gulfstream G-IV model is required.
It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads.html
The converted P3Dv4 model can be found here: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=26276.0
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.wordpress.com/tag/silver-air/

EDIT 05 MAY 2020: paints updated based on latest paintkit

Silver Air Embraer 500 Phenom 100

Silver Air Embraer 500 Phenom 100 for the UTT model.

These are textures only.

The UTT Embraer Phenom-100 model is required.
It can be found at http://unitedtrafficteam.com/index.php/ai-models/utt/item/utt-ai-embraer-phenom-100
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.wordpress.com/tag/silver-air/

Harbour Group Industries Gulfstream G-V

Harbour Group Industries Gulfstream G-V for the converted P3Dv4 HTAI model.

These are textures only.

The HTAI Gulfstream G-V model is required.
It can be found at http://htai-models.com/downloads.html
The converted P3Dv4 model can be found here: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=26276.0
Flightplans available here: https://aibizjetproject.weebly.com/corporatehmw.html

EDIT 26 APR 2020: Paint updated based on latest paintkit

Sky High Aviation Services ERJ145

Sky High Aviation Services paint for the AI Malcontent Embraer 145 base model.

These are textures only. The AI Malcontent ERJ145 base model is required.
It can be found at avsim, aim_erj145.zip

note: Files have been updated with Version 4
note: This aircraft is no longer in service but I’ll leave the file up for those who might still want it in their sim.

Download FS9 v4

Download FSX v4