American Eagle Embraer ERJ-145 Old Colours FS9

American Eagle Embraer ERJ-145 OC FS9 for the AI Malcontent Embraer ERJ-145 base model.

These are FS9 textures only. The AI Malcontent Embraer ERJ-145 base model is required. It can be found at avsim. Search for

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  1. Congratulations for american texture. I wonder why paint a plane that has already been done 15 times before. There are so many new liveries … it has nothing to do with your talent … but just your imagination.
    Again thanks for spending time painting AI aircraft

    • My imagination? I don’t see 15 repaints of American Eagle on the HD paintkit (2048×2048 for FSX), let alone 1. Sadly, this frame is now retro as AALX are all in the new colour scheme, but this is a fore-runner for something else I’ve been working on. Check my thread over at AIG and you might find a clue!! I’m just waiting on permissions. There are a lot of new liveries around, yes, but there are also a lot of old liveries that are needing upgraded to the new paintkits too. Quite often, the old paints are carrying old logos, defunct reg markings etc…Thanks for the comments, but look a little closer at the paints before questioning why something is painted, or better still, try learning to paint these new liveries too…who knows, you might enjoy it!!

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