Jettime Boeing 737-800 WL & SSW Fleet 2024 FSX

Jettime Boeing 737-800 fleet 2021 for the FAIB Boeing 737-800 Split Scimitar Winglets & Winglets FSX base model.

These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-800 Split Scimitar Winglets & Winglets FSX base model is required.
It can be found at

Jettime Boeing 737-800 WL & SSW Fleet 2021 FSX / P3D & MSFS

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  1. Hi Dennis

    Regarding the paint of OY-JZK

    The aircraft.cfg entry reads: –

    title=FAIB Boeing 737-800WL Jettime ‘OY-JZK’

    I believe that OY-JZK is split scimitars winglets, not winglets, as it is given in the aircraft.cfg entry.

    The jpg image of OY-JZK shows OY-JZK as a SSW model

    Although I haven’t installed OY-JZK yet, when viewing the dds file with the DXTBmp graphics tool, it appears that the SSW’s are painted the same as the other SSW paints. I am almost 100% positive that when OY-JZK is installed, it’ll be an SSW in flight sim.

    an example for the OY-JZK cfg entry is: –

    title=FAIB Boeing 737-800SSW Jettime ‘OY-JZK’

    Have an excellent day, Curt Jurdey

  2. Hi Dennis

    Would be possible to review the fleet ?

    Some scimitars are full yellow now like OY-JZK and OY-JZM and some WL models are now SSW SN like OY-JYA.


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