Eastern Airways Embraer 170 Fleet FS9

Eastern Airways Embraer 170 Fleet for the Raven Labs Embraer 170 base model.

These are textures only for FS9. The Raven Labs Embraer 170 base model is required. It can be found at avsim. Search for

InterCaribbean Airways Embraer 120 Fleet

InterCaribbean Airways paint for the AIA Embraer 120 base model.

These are textures only. The AIA Embraer 120 base model is required.
It can be found at Avsim or Flightsim, aiafs9up.zip for FS9 and aiafsx01.zip for FSX

note: Files have been updated to fix overlapping yellow on main gears. Version 2 includes VQ-TAG.

InterCaribbean Airways Embraer 120 Fleet FS9

InterCaribbean Airways Embraer 120 Fleet FSX