Fleet Air Bulgaria ATR 42-300 HD textures for the OSP ATR 42-300 base model.
These are FSX textures only. The OSP ATR 42-300 base model is required.
It can be found at flightsim.com. Search for osp_atr_42_300_base.zip.
[wpdm_package id=’10396′]
Fleet Air Bulgaria ATR 42-300 HD textures for the OSP ATR 42-300 base model.
These are FSX textures only. The OSP ATR 42-300 base model is required.
It can be found at flightsim.com. Search for osp_atr_42_300_base.zip.
[wpdm_package id=’10396′]
Almasria Universal Airlines Boeing 737-400 for the FAIB Boeing 737-400 Logolight FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-400 Logolights FSX base model is required.
It can be found at www.fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
Getjet Airlines Airbus A319-100 for the FAIB A319-100 CFM FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB A319-100 CFM FSX base model is required.
It can be found at http://fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
[wpdm_package id=’10367′]
Getjet Airlines Airbus A330-300 FSX for the FSPainter A330-300 GE base models.
These are FSX textures only. The FSPainter A330-300 GE base models is required.
It can be bought at http://secure.simmarket.com/fspxai-airbus-a330-200200f_300-fsxp3d-ai-traffic.phtml
This paint is for the FSPX Airbus A330-300
[wpdm_package id=’10337′]
Getjet Airlines Airbus A330-300 FSX texture for the TFS Airbus A330-300 GE base model.
These are FSX textures only. The TFS A330-300 base model is required.
It can be found at www.flightsim.com. Search for tfs333.zip.
This paint is for the TFS Airbus A330-300
[wpdm_package id=’10339′]
Getjet Airlines Airbus A320-200 for the FAIB A320-200 CFM base models.
Getjet Airlines Airbus A320-200 for the FAIB A320-200 IAE FSX base models.
Go2sky Boeing 737-800 Winglets for the FAIB Boeing 737-800 Winglets FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-800 Winglets FSX base model is required.
It can be found at www.fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
Getjet Airlines Boeing 737-400 for the FAIB Boeing 737-400 Logolight FSX base model.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-400 Logolights FSX base model is required.
It can be found at www.fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
[wpdm_package id=’10333′]
Getjet Airlines Boeing 737-300 for the FAIB Boeing 737-300 FSX Logolight base models.
These are FSX textures only. The FAIB Boeing 737-300 Logolight FSX base model is required.
They can be found at www.fsxaibureau.com/manufacturing/
[wpdm_package id=’10332′]